Using TeamCity to Publish ClickOnce Packages to a Network Share

Recently at my job I had to figure out how to publish a Windows app with [ClickOnce deployments]( from a centralized build server running [JetBrains TeamCity]( This might be kind of an esoteric use for TeamCity, but I wanted to get my process down in my blog to perhaps save some future generations some time and Google searching.
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Christmas Letter 2010

This year we are going to attempt to start a new Christmas tradition: the Christmas blog post. As I write this, the snow is streaming down outside and the lovely Jakki is busy gluing things to other things for our entries in an Unfortunate Holiday Sweater contest. Without further ado, here's what we did in 2010: After much review of Facebook and Twitter, it appears that 2010 started off with head colds for everyone, and braces for Jakki's teeth. The early part of the year contained much internet browsing and watching of TV. Such is life in the Inland Northwest in the first quarter.
After thawing out, March came along and brought a fabulous gig for the band I'm with: [Fairmount Chase](!/pages/Fairmount-Chase/198724234772). St. Patrick's Day tends to bring out our most loyal and hardcore fans. Fortunately, the more they drink, the better we sound.
As temperatures began to rise, camping became possible and we scooted up to [Farragut State Park]( along Lake Pend Oreille to celebrate Jakki's birthday. In attendance were our friends Chuck and Leann and some of her family. After raining on the way up, the weather cooperated until we left.
In July, Lake Sullivan in the extreme northeast corner of Washington became our camping destination. Bocephus (our Dodge truck) got a new canopy and was able to keep our gear dry despite rainy weather.
To celebrate our anniversary in August, we returned to Packwood, Mt. Rainier and [Mount St. Helens](; the site of our wedding five years prior. We found the tree we were married in front of in the [Ohanapecosh]( camp ground (not surprising, since that tree is probably 700 years old).
The last part of the summer was punctuated with two quick gigs for the band, one outdoors at a neighborhood block party in North Spokane, and one at O'Doherty's; a staple in Fairmount Chase's venue menu.
In early fall, we took a trip over to Seattle to visit Grandma Flo, Bob & Linda, Jim & Phyllis and Kelsey, and take in a Seahawks game at Quest Field with our friends Chuck & Leann. The family visit was wonderful, but the performance of the Seahawks left a lot to be desired (they lost 41-7 to the NY Giants). We also managed to see some old friends: Charlotte, and His Holiness Gary (the padre who presided over our wedding), and Georgie & Roger and their son Brian.
During fall, after much excitement with broken garage door springs, Jakki and I managed to get two new garage doors installed on the house. This was fortunate, as the first snowfall of the season set an all-time record for the area in November. Which, of course, brought out the Snow Robots.
This year has been heavily dosed with visits with family and friends, completely lacking in stays in the hospital, and fueled with music and good cheer-- and we couldn't be happier. May the holiday season bring you and yours peace and happiness in the coming year! -Much Love, Kelly & Jakki (and Tigger & Cleo)
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This Blog Is Not Dead!

Okay, it's been a long time since I've blogged anything. My recent foray into Facebook and Twitter have stolen focus from a lot of things I would have put in the blog. Additionally, I've been neglecting the photo albums. I need to retire some old ones, and put some new ones up.

Recently I finished Rework by the guys who started 37signals. I read it on my iPhone and Kindle for PC, which was an interesting but overall pleasant experience. Putting my phone down at night, and then opening up the PC app at work during lunch the next day and having it go right to the page I was on is amazingly awesome.

Anyway, reading it inspired me to build some sort of software thing in my spare time. So I have been putting some hours into an idea from a friend and coworker, Allen Monroe. He is a bottomless "idea-guy" resource, which is great and inspiring in it's own way. We also had some of our internet offerings go viral in the same week. He created a parody of Google's super bowl ad, and I submitted a story and some code to The DailyWTF.

It's been fun, but it hasn't moved me toward my personal 2010 goal of contributing something to a Open Source Software project. I've been reading a fair amount of code lately, trying to find something to contribute to. If anyone has any ideas, please post in the comments.

Recently at home we've been trying to focus on getting more exercise. We bought a nice NordicTrack elliptical and set it up in the basement. I'm finding that changing one's lifelong habits is a difficult thing. Especially with so much TV to watch :)

With the weather oscillating tantalizingly between Spring and Winter, Jakki and I are very excited to do some camping this year, especially since we now have a big truck and can pack ridiculous amounts of Glamper paraphernalia. The next stop is Trailerville!

The band I'm in (I hesitate to say 'my band' since I did not form it), has been having a lot of fun, and with Spring coming on, we are looking forward to many opportunities to play. I'm also working on getting them set up with some kind of blog thing so we can communicate with our fans better.

So to wrap up this quarterly update (and to try to motivate myself to do a better job of posting regularly): please stay tuned and keep in touch; I will endeavor to do the same.

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Good Show But I'm Getting Old

My band, Fairmount Chase, played a benefit gig last night. We rented a room in a local tavern downtown and had some bins for the local food bank. Lots of work people and friends of band the band showed up. We played three sets and had dancers a-plenty. At the end of the night, we had to tear everything down and load it all out. A five-piece band has a lot of gear! Driving home, my feet were killing me. Today, I feel like I have been run over. And we still had to unload our stuff into our practice space in the basement of the VFW. It's a lot of fun to play with these guys, and we draw fun and engaging crowds, but I wish we could hire some roadies. I suppose gigging in the future will be a lot easier: a band will just use the transporter (a la Star Trek) to beam there gear to the venue and back. Hopefully I will live that long.

Unfortunately, Jakki had to work, and my parents had a dancing engagement, so I don't have any photos of the gig to the post. I'm thinking that I might need to ask Santa for a video camera, so I can begin building up a video library of the band to put on youtube for potential venue owners to look at.

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Back In The Saddle Again

Last night I played with a band for the first time in several years. It was lots of fun, and they are an easy-going bunch. My playing is still pretty rusty, but I was surprised I could keep up on songs I didn't think I knew very well. It will be hard work to get back in shape for regular playing, but I'm looking forward to it-- revisiting a large portion of my life is worth it to me. The band is called [Fairmount Chase]( and hopefully we'll be playing out in Spokane soon. Now I'm off to ice down my fingers again...
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10 Gallons of Awesome In A 5 Gallon Pail

I just found out today (via [Felicia Day on Twitter](, strangely enough) that they are making a movie of [Where the Wild Things Are]( by Maurice Sendak. It's got Catherine Keener, Max Records, Mark Ruffalo, Lauren Ambrose, and James Gandolfini in it, and it's directed by Spike Jonze (director of Being John Malkovich and Adaptation). Check out the [trailer here]( When I was a kid, this was one of my favorite books my mom read to me. Now they just need to adapt [A Great Big Ugly Man Came Up and Tied His Horse To Me](
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Thoughts On Coding

The other day I had a very lively conversation about programming with my friends Pat & Warren. To paraphrase: Warren put forth the idea that coding is a lot like playing a game, and that game theory can be loosely applied to it. This led us to the idea that programmers *play* at building software, and in doing so, fall into two basic categories. Bear in mind, these are not absolutes, but merely ends of a spectrum that a coder can shift along over time. 1. The first type of coder/gamer is a person who likes the result of the game. They like the feeling that comes along with winning, or completing a level. If you played a dungeon-type discovery game such as Diablo with this person, generally they would be the person to reach the end of a level first. And then probably complain that you are taking too long. They enjoy the _completion_ more than the act of _playing_. In fact, to them, the idea of _playing_ is just the sum of all the completed levels so far. These types shall be known as the Completors. 2. The second type of coder/gamer is a person who likes the exploration and interaction of the game. Winning or completing a level is a secondary or nth-erary aspect of the game. These people will want to explorer every possible room in a dungeon, possibly returning to visited rooms just to check "if anything new has shown up". Obviously, this drives the type 1s crazy, as these archetypes enjoy the act of _playing_ more than _completion_. Personally, this is the group I tend to fall into. These types shall be known as the Wanderers. So which is better? I don't believe the question is nearly as cut and dried as that. From a business point of view, *results matter*, and it would seem that a gang of Completors would the best team to create a business-critical on-time and under-budget enterprise-level highly-available software solution. Let me pause for a moment here, to let my jargon buffer refill. I think that a good level of success can be had with a group of coders more toward the Completor end of the spectrum. But that comes with a price. Because Completors are so results-oriented, once they find a good solution or strategy to beat "the game", they will just continue to apply it over and over. Why fix it if it ain't broke? The problem with the security of these repeatable results is that the world of software (and the world of games) marches on at a blistering pace. New [technologies]( and [methodologies]( spring up like dandelions in the summer. I personally spend a good deal of time just trying to keep up with a small amount of the New Stuff. Completors tend to shy away from personal growth and exploration because that's their nature. Over a career, or many careers, this can lead to a certain amount of software stagnation. Now let's look at the Wanderers. You might think after that last paragraph, that you _really_ want a team of Wanderers! Unfortunately, that group has some downsides as well: They tend to be the worst estimators ever. Some projects, because the game space is so large, will never actually reach completion. When faced with a very structured deadline or result, Wanderers may fail (for certain values of failure). Because the idea of exploration and self growth is very important, Wanderers tend to not have as much loyalty or "team spirit" as Completors. So what's the final answer? Just like in many things in life-- I believe that moderation is key. A group that is a well-mixed solution of different levels of these elements will reap benefits greater than the sum of it's parts. Wanderers will inspire and enlighten the Completors, The Completors will keep the Wanderers on the right track, possibly dragging them over the finish line with them. As a manager, or project leader, I think that understanding these two archetypes and using their strengths and weaknesses together can make for a most potent team. After all, who wants to play Diablo with a group solely consisting of Barbarians?
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Sad Birthday for Mom

Yesterday Mom & Dad had to put their kitty Prudie to sleep. She had been sick for awhile and had the vets flummoxed. She was a very loving kitty and I think they had her for almost fourteen years. In Lucky's later years, we used to bring him down to visit Mom & Dad, and he and Prudie got on well, so she'll have a buddy up in Kitty Heaven. Rest in peace Prudie, we'll miss you.
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Brits to Remake Triffids

Now there is a title I never would have imagined. [The Day of the Triffids]( was one of my favorite B-grade horror movie staples. I was turned on to it by my uncle Paul when I was a small lad. I guess in the early 80s, the BBC did [a remake](, but I never saw it. Today I noticed (albeit about 30 days post facto), that the BBC is making yet another [TV serial remake]( I am looking forward to finding a copy!
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Snow Day

We've had quite the dumping here in the Inland Northwest. 22 inches last time I measured, and it's still coming down. Jakki had a hair-raising commute home this morning, and she got stuck just a few blocks from the house. Emelie and I walked down to dig her out, and got stuck again just two doors down. Finally we got to our cleared driveway and got the car in the garage. Later on, the news they mentioned that all bus service was suspended because of the storm and the fact that the snow removal teams can't get a handle on it. I posted [some pics]( in our [photo gallery]( Note the abandoned U-Haul in the intersection. That's never a good sign. Since we are effectively snowed in, I'm working from home, although the internet keeps going up and down. We have plenty of food, and since we had the trees pruned this fall, I'm not worried about the power going out. The new furnace is keeping us nice and warm as well.
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